Michaela Canchion's Podcast


  1. Good job! I really enjoyed the introduction. Nice podcast.

    1. Thank you very much Dieanie. I am happy that you enjoyed it!

  2. Well put together Michaela . Was very impressive . I enjoyed listening.

    Nasha John

    1. Thank you very much Nasha. I feel happy that you are satisfied.

  3. Fantastic job Miss Canchion! I particularly loved the twist in the introduction and the fact that the words were casted on the screen. This kept me hooked and I believe that the arrangement is quite appropriate for the target grade.

    Views by: Ylet Jn.Baptiste

    1. Thank you very much Miss Jn. Baptiste! I thought that the words being on the screen was a very creative way to get the students more involved or interested in the story especially the visual learners.

      Thanks again!

  4. Great work Ms. Canchion. You did at a good job at capturing my interest from the beginning with the music. I enjoyed listening to the piece and encourage you to keep writing. Superb!

    Shaquille Aldonza

    1. Thank you very much Shaquille! I feel happy when I have accomplished my main goal which is to capture your interest and keep you entertained throughout the story!

      Thanks again!

  5. WOWWWWW! Your confidence is influential! Perfect use of sounds and graphics. Perfect use of intonation and speech. I enjoyed your piece. As the words are displayed on the screen, I see this as an excellent instructional tool in the classroom where students can read along with you or follow as you read to them. Age appropriate and attractive presentation. Lovely!

    Ryan Bicar.

    1. Thank you very much Ryan! I agree that this is an excellent instructional tool which I will definitely be using in the classroom. I am proud!

  6. Nicely done Michaela. I know what I need to do if i want to live a long happy life. This is a great piece of writing to encourage exercising. I also see it being used in Social Studies for the topic being a good neighbour or helping the elderly.

    1. Thank you very much Leah! I like that you saw that this piece could be used in Social Studies, something I did not see at all. I feel happy that my piece helped you to be very observant and at the same time innovative.

      Thank you again Leah!

  7. Wonderful Ms Canchion! Good background music and you indeed had the grade three audience on lock. You had my Genny listening attentively. Good one!!
    Abigail Bascombe

  8. Thank you very much Abigail! I am glad I got her attention! I am so proud that I can see my Grade Three students living vicariously through her.

    Thanks Again Abigail!

  9. Indeed this introduction really captured my attention the fact that the words were posted on the screen you catered to diverse needs of your students. I really enjoyed the background the background music it complemented the piece. Great Job!

    1. Thank you very much Beverly! I feel great that you liked the words on the screen and the background music. All smiles!

  10. Nicely done Michaela! The introduction was a great attention-grabber and kept me glued to the screen. Excellent work!

    1. Thank you very much Brittany! I am happy you enjoyed and keeping you glued to the screen was a must. I am giving myself a pat on the back right now!

      Thanks again Brittany!

  11. Very well put together. The introduction was very creative. I am now encouraged to live a happy life and i am sure it will have the same effect on the students.

    Brittney Duplessis

    1. Thank you very much Brittney! It makes me happy knowing that this story kept you very interested and aided in your encouragement to live a happy life.

      Thanks again Brittney!

  12. Michaela, you did a wonderful job! Double thumbs up for you! I guess everyone will no doubt see your creative side. I love it! Keep it up!
    Michele Clercent

    1. Thank you very much Michele! I am happy that you liked it!

      Thanks again!

  13. I enjoyed this video, the background music complimented the story. Your tone of voice is a plus. I am sure the students will enjoy this piece likewise.

    1. Thank you very much Kashey! I am happy you enjoyed the video and appreciated my tone of voice in this podcast, I tried my best.

      Thanks again Kashey!

  14. Very nice and creative. I like how you were able to alter your voice to play the different characters. I also appreciate the message of this piece; exercise is good for the body.

    1. Thank you very much Leotha! It warms my heart that you enjoyed this piece.

      Thanks again Leotha!

  15. As I listened to this piece it reminded me of my grandma and all the activities I would do with her. I love the narration and the background sound. I can listen to your narration all day Michaela. Such a soothing sound. I love this piece. While students are listening to this piece they will reflect on their grandmas and even to an extent their grand dads to identify whether she has the same issues as Jenny's Grandma to help her make a conscious decision to help change her lifestyle. Students will gain knowledge about the importance of exercise especially for senior citizens.

    Soria Cornibert

    1. Thank you very much Soria! I really wanted to make this piece relatable so that students can practice what is being portrayed in the story whether it is with their grandmother or grandfather. I also wanted them to practice good health habits for example exercising, walking, eating healthy etc. I also thought that the instrumental in the background will keep them engrossed in the story. I am happy that you enjoyed this piece and you can listen to it whole day. I appreciate this comment very much Soria!

      Thanks again Soria!

  16. Very impressive and attractive piece Michaela. The fact that the words are being displayed as you read your piece made me realize that this piece can be very useful in the Language Arts classroom. This piece would be ideal to teach past tense, continuous tense, punctuation marks , spelling, verbs, and nouns to name a few. Job well done. Bravo!

    1. Thank you very much Tamara! It makes me happy that you can see other uses for this piece of writing and the importance of using it in the classroom.

      Thanks again Tamara!

  17. I do concur with your colleagues. This was an excellent production, Michaela! Please incorporate into your instruction during practicum.

    1. Thank you very much Miss Polius! I will definitely incorporate in my instruction during teaching practice.

      Thanks again Miss!


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