This class session focused mainly on modelled writing. We learned that modelled writing is an opportunity for students to observe a proficient writer going through the process of putting ideas into a written form. In modelled writing, teachers can focus on authorial elements of writing such as sequencing and linking ideas, choosing appropriate words, etc. or secretarial elements such as employing spelling strategies, using correct punctuation etc.

       We were of the understanding that the students do not offer their ideas in modelled writing. Instead, it is anticipated that they will use the strategies modelled in their own independent writing. Modelled writing can be employed as a whole class or small group strategy. The students need to be able to clearly see the text as it is constructed. Moreover, during the modelling of the piece of writing, our lecturer made her own thinking and writing processes visible for us. 

       In addition to this, the class was very interesting because we got to see first hand from our lecturer what modelling a story looked like. She did a great job at that and we definitely understood what we are suppose to do when modelling any piece of writing. Additionally, modelling is not only applicable in writing but in other subject areas such as Science and Technology and Mathematics.  In these subjects, the teacher needs to show the students what to do because these subjects are very hands-on. Majority of the time, there are students in the classroom who wants to see how something is being done before they actually do it especially those who are visual learners. With the exposure of modelling, they get the opportunity to see this. To add, because of this edifying session, we look forward to engrossing in more sessions like this in the future and we suggest or recommend that the lecturer use more modelling which will be additional practice for the student-teachers so that when they return to the classroom they would have already mastered the modelling strategy or technique to help their students better comprehend reading and writing and how they should express themselves when reading and writing.

Below is an example of a video where the teacher is modelling a narrative piece.


  1. I totally share the same sentiments as modelling writing is an effective strategy to get the students to become good writers. As evident in the class we did the narrative piece, our lecturer modeled the way that we were are to teach the students narrative writing. It was very effective as we were very much involved in the process. Moreover, the students get to witness first hand how to go through the writing process from pre-writing to publishing. Not only did we learn how to write a narrative piece but we learnt how to teach the students at the primary levels. I can speak for most of the class as we were not sure how to teach writing but after the session we all have a clear idea of the process.

    1. Good job Duayne! Modelling writing is an effective strategy to get the students to become good writers. Additionally, a good writer may be a complete replica of their teacher because of her modelling techniques or strategies in the classroom. Like you said, this classroom session brought alot of clarity to the students in terms of the writing process and how modelling should be done.

    2. Well articulated Duayne and Michaela. Modelling is a good technique that teachers should utilize in their writing lessons to not only have students witness how to go through the writing process but to also use the strategies modeled in their own writing.

      Tamara Armstrong

  2. If I were asked "what is the best instructional strategy a teacher can use when teaching writing in her classroom?" Without hesitation I will say it out loud MODELLING. Modeling increases students engagement, self regulatory learning and decreases students error. Modelling is a twofold process demonstrating a desired skill or behavior , while describing the actions and decisions throughout the process . As I witnessed my lecturer modelled narrative writing from prewriting to publishing , it gave me a clearer insight of how to teach writing when returning to the classroom. As teachers we need to keep in mind that modelling is not a strategy for just writing but it can be integrated across other subject areas. We also need to keep in mind that modeling is an appeal to students imitation. Children learn more from what you are than what you teach (W. E. B DuBois)

    Nasha John

    1. Well said Nasha! Modelling does increase students' engagement in the classroom. Observing the teacher read a piece of writing or preferrably write a piece keeps the students motivated and willing to write their own piece to be better than their teacher.

  3. I do not think one can ever overemphasize the importance of teacher modeling in the writing process or in the Language Arts classroom. I say this especially to the Language Arts classroom because many students suffer in this area and so the scaffolding and modeling will be greatly appreciated by them. This gives them the hope to now try writing on their own. It removes the idea of inferiority in them and build their self-efficacy in the reading and writing processes. However, in this case it is primarily writing. The same applies to writing because students can see how the big picture fits in perfectly. They see the process and not just the product. Likewise, they are expected to show the process and not just the product. Students are blessed with varying ideas and so this must be nurtured by the teacher. Your video added to the expression of your post. Very well done!

    Written by: Ryan Bicar.

    1. I totally agree with you Ryan. Some teachers tend to explain with words instead of modelling. In addition, there students in the classroom who are visual learners and modelling will benefit them tremendously. Also, modelling shows them how a piece should be written or read.

  4. Indeed a crucial important strategy which I now believe should be at the forefront of instruction. I know that you will echo similar sentiments that it is by far the most effective mechanism to get students to produce optimum results, not just where writing is concerned but any other stipulated task.Thanks to our course lecturer, I have grown to realize the significance of modeling. I believe that this is a skill that has been etched in us and I do hope that we all can go back to our classrooms and emulate this techniques that our lecturer demonstrated beautifully.

    Views by :Ylet Jn.Baptiste

    1. Very Good Ylet! I believe that modelling is the main accessory in presenting pieces in writing. I also believe that modelling has helped students gain a better understanding when it comes to reading aloud and with expression.

  5. I have never been a fan of watching one model up and down a runway, but I am undoubtebly a fan of watching a teacher model the writing process. I am in agreement with you when you speak of the effectiveness of model in the process of developing students into better writers. As a student-teacher, I learned a lot from our session where the lecturer modelled writing. Due to my learning, I can confidently say that the students will also learn from us when we model writing to them, in our classroom.
    Perhaps the most important part of this post, is the video embedded below the post. This video served as reinforcement for me. It can also be beneficial to persons who come here seeking information about modelling.
    Excellent work!

    Shaquille Aldonza

    1. Fantastic Post Shaquille! I agree that when modelling writing the students also learn from us. They learn all the skills that a good writer and reader should instill in themselves. Acquiring this knowledge of modelling, will most definitely help you become more confident in your teaching and assist you in becoming more alert in your very own pieces of writing.

  6. The benefits of modelling can never be overstated and this entry is the perfect example why. Through our lecturer's modelling, we were able to clearly see how we should approach the writing process in our own classrooms. A once daunting task now seems achievable and will be tackled with much enthusiasm as the modelling done by the lecturer has gone a long way in helping us see how we too can make a difference in students' lives through modelling.

    1. Well said Brittany! I agree that modelling brings clarity to how we should approach the writing process and this is very important because the students imitates the way in which the story or piece is being modelled. This is why when you model, you do the right thing so the pieces will be imitated in the right way.

  7. Modelling plays a key important in a child's learning, however some teachers model the wrong practices to the students and as result many fall through the cracks and sometimes cannot be redone because these practices were drilled to the students. We as educators must go out into these classrooms and make a difference in each student lives we encounter with and model the proper practices taught to us to ensure students become good writers. Beverley Martie

  8. This has always been my concern from day 1. I know how to write very well but how do I teach students to write? Our lecturer surely modelled well enough which was so visible during our micro teaching lessons. Each team did a superb job and I feel very proud to be a part of this exceptional class. We observed and delivered and I believe that we will use this same strategy to help our students become good writers and lovers of language arts because modelling is a very effective strategy. #MonkeyseeMonkeydo

  9. According to Bandura's Social Learning Theory, children learn through observation, imitation and modelling. so an excellent way for students to write very well is to follow the example of the teacher. The teacher should be able to model exactly what he/she wants to see from the students.

    Brittney Duplessis

  10. Modelling is effective strategy to help students become good writers or master any skill for that matter. It engages and encourages students to learn. Research has shown that most human behavior is learned observationally through modelling. Modeling can be used in all ability level classrooms. The use of visual representations,auditory, tactile and kinaesthetic instructional techniques can be utitlized by teachers to model.


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