Battle of the Kings

Tamara Armstrong's Digital Story Telling 


  1. I am there blushing girl. I love it. I am using this next term for teaching practice. What a war! What a battle! I was right there in the story. It ended too quick.

    1. Thanks Leah. I am happy to know that you loved my digital story telling and you enjoyed the battle. You are welcome to use my piece in your classroom whenever you are ready.

  2. A mini film! Students will definitely give their undivided attention to this video.Your rate of speech, vocals, musicals, illustrations and sound effects were excellently executed. Students love characterization and story telling and so they will want to know more. You did an amazing job. Girls love the story telling and boys love the war!

    Ryan Bicar.

  3. Thanks Ryan. When I created this narration, I ensured that I catered for the boys by using the battle to bring out the characteristics and functions of the sun and the moon especially as my teaching practice classroom has sixteen boys and only four girls. My aim is to make learning fun for all my students.

  4. Well done Tamara. Beautifully executed. This piece will surely be loved by all students and can definitely be used for instruction.

  5. Truly Impressive! This undoubtedly embodies your creativity. You had me hooked from the get-go until the end and I can envision students being fascinated by it. Your excellent voice inflections, great selection of sounds and graphics added panache to it.

    Views by: Ylet Jn.Baptiste

  6. Thanks Ylet. I am happy that you were impressed with my digital story telling.

  7. I enjoyed this piece. Very well executed!! Science will definately be exciting for kids if a piece like this is incooperated in a lesson on the solar system. Great job!!

  8. Good Piece! The expression and the fluency throughout this piece was very good and well articulated. This piece will definitely motivate students who do not like Science especially the Solar System to like Science.

    Well Done!!!

  9. Quite engaging, Tamara! I am glad that you were able to publish one of your pieces of writing.


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