This class session mainly focused on descriptive writing. We learned that descriptive writing

is to describe a person, place or thing in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind. We

also learned that when one uses descriptive writing to speak about an event, this involves paying

close attention to the details by using all of one's five senses. In addition, teaching students to write

more descriptively will ameliorate their writing by making it more interesting and engaging to read.

Unlike the other types of writing, it was understood that descriptive writing has many characteristics.

     Primarily, a good descriptive piece includes many vivid sensory details that paints a picture and 

appeals to all of the reader's senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste when appropriate. This 

simply means that it helps the reader live vicariously through the writer and any piece of writing 

especially a descriptive piece which will not be the same without some liveliness. Secondly, a good 

descriptive piece often makes use of figurative language such as analogies, similes and metaphors 

to assist in painting a picture in the reader's mind. Painting a picture in the reader's mind with regards

to descriptive writing can help the reader relate to other descriptive pieces he or she has read. So

therefore, descriptive writing helps one make an association when it comes to other pieces of writing.

Thirdly, a good descriptive piece uses meticulous language. People are of the opinion that using

adjectives, nouns and verbs are the only way one can enhance their descriptive piece. However, this

is not true. In addition, the adjective, noun or verb one uses must be congruous in order for the piece

to make sense and stimulate interest. Lastly, a good descriptive piece is very organized. There

may be a number of ways for one to organize their descriptive piece in order to ensure that

the passages flow smoothly and the most commonly used way to ensure this is to have the

time of the event, the location of the event and the fact that the event should be organized in

sequential order of importance.

     Moreover, we liked the fact that the lecturer used plenty of socratic questioning with regards to

descriptive writing before she actually delved into the meat of the matter. The questions got us

thinking and we came up with some well developed and thought out answers. I also believe that we

needed that knowledge on descriptive writing in order to apply to our future endeavours especially if

we are wishing to change occupations. This knowledge can also be applied to other subject areas

especially Science and Technology particularly when conducting laboratory experiments where one

has to be descriptive in analyzing their results. In addition, we suggest that for future sessions the

lecture could have us practice more descriptive writing using the five (5) senses cluster graphic

organizer in order for us to gain mastery in descriptive writing to be able to apply this in the

classroom to the students.

     All in all, the class was a very informative and intriguing one. One which we learned a lot about

 descriptive writing. Now we will be able to write a good descriptive piece that is relatable to the

reader which includes one's five senses, is full of liveliness, consists of figurative language and is

very organized. Also, for future sessions I suggest that have us


  1. Very well articulated piece. The best part about descriptive essays is that they can be about pretty much anything, from persons, to places, animals, or even events and much more. What makes a good descriptive essay is not so much about what you write (even though that isimportant) but more about how you go about writing it. Writing descriptive essays is pertinent to appeal to the audience's five senses and/or evoke emotions.

    Nasha John

    1. You get a thorough descriptive piece when you use the five (5) senses cluster to appeal to your piece of writing. It makes more sense and more descriptive words or adjectives are used.

      Well said Nasha!

    2. In addition the use of verbs, adverbs, adjectives, similes and metaphors are tools used in descriptive writing to enable the reader to paint that vivid image in his or her mind about what the writer is describing.

      Tamara Armstrong

  2. I must agree that a good descriptive piece should allow the reader to live vicariously through the writer. For this to happen the writer must be very meticulous in his description. For instance, when describing a person not only should the writer describe this person's physical appearance but also his mannerisms and or personality. This will give the reader a better visual of the person being described.

    Leotha Felix

    1. Well expressed Leotha, a descriptive piece should show the reader rather than just telling the reader in an effort to create a clear picture in the reader's mind of what is being described.

      Tamara Armstrong

    2. Well articulated Leotha! This is where the five (5) senses cluster comes in where the writer has to give a thorough explanation with regards to touch, smell, feel, hear and taste to get a better image in the reader's mind.

  3. Very well put together. I personally love descriptive writing. It enables me to be creative and make anything in the world come to life. I believe descriptive writing helps students use their creativity and allow them to put whatever they are thinking on paper. From a descriptive piece, the reader should be able to see exactly what you are describing in their minds. They should not have to do much thinking as the piece should have already painted a portrait.

    1. Very Good Duayne! This is what a descriptive piece is all about, painting a picture in the reader's mind. I strongly agree with you in the sense that the reader should not have to think much to visualize the image painted because the descriptive piece would have clearly demonstrated that.

  4. Interesting read! perhaps one of my favorite genres of writing. I especially love how it evokes imagination through the deliberate use of figurative devices, sensory details and imagery as well as conciseness of language. Also, I love that it is not restrictive and that one can write to describe multitudinous things like people, experiences, animals, places and things.

    Views by: Ylet Jn. Baptiste

    1. Great Post Ylet! Descriptive writing is one of my favourite genres of writing. I view it as a poem because it helps me express how I feel but in a descriptive way. It also prepares me for the world of work in terms of giving statements etc. if something were to happen in the work environment.

  5. Your points about descriptive writing serving the purpose of living vicariously through others, along with painting a mental image, perfectly captures the desired effects of description. Unfortunately, teachers at the primary level stress on the writing of stories (narratives) and limits the writing of description. I see this post as a good avenue to encourage teachers to teach this genre of writing more often.
    This is a well written and inspiring post about description. Great job colleagues!

    Shaquille Aldonza

    1. Thank you very much Shaquille! I do believe that in the primary schools the teachers limits descriptive writing and focus more on narrative writing. I also believe that descriptive writing is just as important as narrative writing as it generally broadens the students' horizon in terms of using adjectives and other figurative devices or parts of speech that they may as well apply to other subject areas.

  6. Great post guys! When I think of descriptive writing three phrases come to mind "painting a picture", "sensory appeal" and "vivid descriptions". This is what descriptive writing is about. I truly enjoy this genre of writing as it gives me the power to paint a picture using my words. I always compare descriptive writing to viewing a movie and telling someone about the movie. You are now supposed to express what happened during the movie by using some form of vivid description so that they person can see the movie as you are talking about it. They may have to understand how the placed looked, what smells were present, what sounds were produced and how the main character felt. All of these details would help the person understand the movie and to picture it as you say it. Hence, using words to paint a picture! Not just a static picture but also a dynamic one too! Descriptive writing is powerful!

    Written by: Ryan Bicar.

    1. Well said Ryan! It is very powerful. Which other genre of writing you can use to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind other than a detailed descriptive piece. Descriptive writing is a genre of writing that we use everyday especially when we interact with our friends and family whether it is formally or informally.

  7. In reading this blog, I gathered substantial points as to how to go about writing my very own descriptive piece. This is a well put together blog as a reader can gain ideas on what ideas should be included a a good descriptive piece. One point that stood out was when you mentioned- "People are of the opinion that using adjectives, nouns and verbs are the only way one can enhance their descriptive piece". That was important to mention as this misconception can be the view of both students and educators.
    Great job peeps!

    Jina Jonas

    1. Very Good Jina! I believe that this misconception is in majority of the primary schools and like you said both teachers and students believe it. This is why when we return to the classroom we have to correct this misapprehension to better the students' and other teachers' understanding as it relates to descriptive writing.

  8. This entry on descriptive writing highlights perfectly all those characteristics that we were taught to include in our descriptive pieces. In this session my biggest take away, as you so eloquently stated, was that exemplar descriptive pieces include many sensory details that paint colourful pictures that appeal to readers' senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste when appropriate. I especially loved learning about the Five Senses Graphic Organizer and how it's use can go a long way in ensuring that characters, places and times are described in ways that readers appreciate.

    1. Beautifully stated Brittany! I also loved the Five Senses Graphic Organizer or Cluster as it gives a more detailed and well thought out explanation to the descriptive piece which can further be published. In addition, once you want to produce a good descriptive piece, all the aforesaid characteristics must be taken into consideration.

  9. My fellow colleagues you have captioned the essence of what a descriptive piece entail from our class session. What really stood out for me was the use of the five (5) senses cluster and the prepositional phrases I can used to enhance my descriptive piece. One must ensure that they give the reader a vivid and imagery picture of what is being described.

  10. The best way to describe a person, place, thing, animal or event is to use the five senses cluster. It is a way to evoke responses from all the senses. In the absence of imagery there is no description. This genre of writing opens the gate way so the readers or intended audience can share the experience.
    Brittney Duplessis


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